32 right channel to matrix output 4, 33 sum l+r to matrix output 3+4, 34 left channel to matrix output 3 – Cadac S-Type User Manual

Page 53: 35 right channel to matrix output 2, 36 sum l+r to matrix output 1+2, 37 left channel to matrix output 1, 38 output level to matrix 7+8, 39 output level to matrix 5+6, 40 output level to matrix 3+4, 41 output level to matrix 1+2

32 right channel to matrix output 4, 33 sum l+r to matrix output 3+4, 34 left channel to matrix output 3 | 35 right channel to matrix output 2, 36 sum l+r to matrix output 1+2, 37 left channel to matrix output 1, 38 output level to matrix 7+8, 39 output level to matrix 5+6, 40 output level to matrix 3+4, 41 output level to matrix 1+2 | Cadac S-Type User Manual | Page 53 / 74 32 right channel to matrix output 4, 33 sum l+r to matrix output 3+4, 34 left channel to matrix output 3 | 35 right channel to matrix output 2, 36 sum l+r to matrix output 1+2, 37 left channel to matrix output 1, 38 output level to matrix 7+8, 39 output level to matrix 5+6, 40 output level to matrix 3+4, 41 output level to matrix 1+2 | Cadac S-Type User Manual | Page 53 / 74