Flowserve MX Electronic Actuator User Manual

Page 60

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Limitorque MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2306-06 – 10/13


4.13.3 Input Action

Default = User Input

INPUT ACTION allows the user to set the input action as USER INPUT or POSITION SETPOINT.

NOTE: If MULTI-DROP ENABLED was chosen, skip to POLLING ADDRESS. Otherwise, FAIL POSITION display is shown. In
multi-drop mode the input is digital only (write PV over network), so there is no analog fail action.

4.13.4 Fail Position

Default = Close

FAIL POSITION allows the user to configure the action desired upon loss of the analog input signal. The selections are
CLOSE, OPEN, STOP, and POSITION. Select the desired setting and proceed to the next display.

NOTE: If POSITION is chosen as the action, a MOVE TO display will be shown where the user can select the desired
position between 0 and 100% open, in one percent increments, by selecting NO until the desired position is selected.
Select YES once the setting is correct to go to the next display.

4.13.5 Polling Address

Default = 0

POLLING ADDRESS allows the user to set the HART polling address of the unit. Point-to-Point units are typically set
to address 0, and Multi-drop units are typically set from 1-63. HART 5 masters will always set Point-to-Point units to
address 0.

4.13.6 Save Settings

SAVE SETTINGS allows the user to save the settings and make them active. This can result in a change in the hardware
configuration on the HART board to support the change in configuration. Select NO to return to STATUS and change
settings. Select YES to save the HART configuration settings and go to additional network settings.

NOTE: The configuration set in steps 1-6 will not be saved if the user does not select YES for SAVE SETTINGS.

4.13.7 Change Prop / Deadband

CHANGE PROP / DEADBAND allows for the setting of proportional band and deadband. Proportional band is the range
of errors between the position and demand signal that will produce reduced speed (pulsing). The default value is 5%. To
change from default, select NO until the required value is displayed. The value is adjustable between 1% and 100%, in 1%
increments. The default deadband value is 2%. For error signals less than this, no motion occurs. The deadband should
be wide enough to prevent “hunting” of the actuator but as low as possible to give adequate response to changes in the
error signal. To change from the default, select NO to adjust the value between 1% and 50%, in 1% increments to suit the

4.13.8 ESD Action

Default = None

ESD ACTION allows a network ESD function to be enabled after the ESD configuration has been established for the unit.
This network ESD can be selected to do one of the following: ignore the command (NONE), CLOSE, OPEN, STOP, or
POSITION the actuator. To change from the default setting, select NO until the required option is displayed. Select YES if
the setting is correct to go to the next display.

NOTE: If POSITION is chosen as the action, a MOVE TO display will be shown where the user can select the desired posi-
tion between 0 and 100% open, in one percent increments, by selecting NO until the desired position is selected. Select
YES once the setting is correct to go to the next display.

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