Moog Music Minimoog Voyager XL User Manual

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Voyager XL User’s Manual - The Components

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Voyager XL User’s Manual - The Components

Patch Panel CV Processors - Description

The following is a functional description of the Control Voltage Processor section. For all panel functions,
jacks with white rings indicate inputs that can accept either a CV or an Expression Pedal.

The Patch Panel features two active Attenuators. These work the same as the active attenuators on other Moog
gear, offering normal and inverted attenuation with or without an offset.

The inputs to both attenuators are normalled to other Patch Panel CV sources. Channel 1 is normalled to the
LFO2 output, while Channel 2 is normalled to the RIBBON CV OUT. This means that if nothing is connected
to the IN jacks on the attenuators, the OUT jacks will be attenuated versions of LFO2 and the RIBBON CV

Each attenuator also features a powered input jack, which allows you to connect an Expression Pedal.

The Attenuator AMOUNT knob controls the gain from -1 (fully CCW) to +1 (fully CW). The OFFSET knob
allows you to add an offset voltage of -5V to +5V to the input signal. The attenuator output is limited to
approximately +/-10V.

The Four-Input Mixer allows you to mix up to four CV inputs; these are labeled 1 through 4. Inputs 1 and 2
have input attenuators, while inputs 3 and 4 are mixed without attenuation. Additionally, inputs 1 and 3 can be
controlled by Expression Pedals. The OFFSET knob raises or lowers the overall voltage of the mix, while the
MASTER knob adjusts the overall output level. The two OUT jacks offer normal and inverted versions of the
Mixer outputs.

The Lag Processor provides a means of slowing down rapidly changing CV signals. The Lag Processor offers
independent control over the leading (RISE) and trailing (FALL) portions of the CV signal. The RISE and FALL
controls adjust the amount of lag from 1 millisecond to 1 second.

The LFO2 module provides a second dedicated LFO source for the Voyager XL. The default frequency range
of LFO2 is 0.02 Hz (50 seconds) to 20 Hz (0.05 seconds). This range is intended to augment the primary LFO
which has a higher frequency range (0.2 to 50 Hz).

LFO2 offers a choice of 6 waveforms with multiple synchronization options. The available front-panel waveforms
(selected by the TYPE knob) are Triangle, Square, Ramp, Saw (sawtooth), S&H (Sample & Hold) and S&H
Smooth. Synchronization options include free running, synced to MIDI, directly clocked from a GATE CV, or
controlled by a CV or Expression Pedal. Two complimentary outputs (OUT + and OUT -) offer normal and
inverted versions of the LFO.

Additional functionality for LFO2 is available via MIDI CC commands, including a special dual-mode operation
where each output (OUT + and OUT -) provides an individual LFO with its own rate, waveform and clock
divider parameters. For more information, see ‘How the Voyager XL Handles MIDI’ on page 78.
