Moog Music Minimoog Voyager XL User Manual

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Voyager XL User’s Manual - MASTER Mode

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Voyager XL User’s Manual - MASTER Mode


SEND PRESET(S) is a utility to send SysEx data for archiving a single preset
(‘PRESET NO. X’) or a complete bank of 128 presets (‘ALL PRESET
SOUNDS’). Use the CURSOR to select either the single preset or bank
option. If the single preset option is selected, the -1/+1 buttons are used
to specify the preset number. Only presets from the current bank can be

The SEND PRESET(S) utility requires another Voyager, or a computer
with a MIDI interface and a program that can accept a manual SysEx dump.
You must enable the device that is to receive the SysEx data. Once the
remote device is enabled, press ENTER to start the data transfer. When
the transfer begins, the Voyager will display a ‘SYSTEM EXCLUSIVE DATA
IN PROGRESS’ message on the LCD. When the data transfer operation is
complete, the LCD will return to the Master Mode menu.

Although the SEND PRESET(S) and SEND PANEL SOUND utilities perform similar functions, they are
not the same. The difference is that if a single preset is saved using SEND PRESET(S), the storage loca-
tion of that preset is also saved, but with SEND PANEL SOUND it is not. This means that if you select and
save Preset 37 in SEND PRESET(S), that preset will load back into memory location 37 of the current
bank when restored, overwriting the preset stored there. If the same preset is saved using SAVE PANEL
SOUND, Preset 37 will reload into buffer of the current preset, allowing you to audition the sound without
overwriting the preset at that location.


The RECEIVE PRESETS function enables or disables System Exclusive
reception on the Voyager XL. When enabled, the Voyager XL will receive
all SysEx preset and bank data. When disabled, the Voyager XL will ignore
all incoming SysEx messages. To make a change to this menu, use the -
1/+1 buttons to switch between enabled and disabled, and press ENTER.
Note that the setting of RECEIVE PRESET has no effect on outgoing SysEx
data; the Voyager will always transmit SysEx messages when the SEND
PRESET or SEND PANEL SOUND functions are used.

SysEx messages include a Device ID byte. When you change the
Voyager’s Device ID number, all SysEx messages sent from the Voyager
will include this new value in the Device ID byte. If that SysEx message
is sent back to several Voyagers, only the Voyager that has matching
Device ID will receive the message, all others will ignore it.


The SYSEX DEVICE ID function is intended for situations when several
Voyagers (Performer, Electric Blue, RME, XL, etc.) are used in a setup. By
assigning a unique Device ID number, each Voyager will transmit and
respond only to specific SysEx messages. This allows you to send presets
or banks to a specific Voyager within the group. To change the SysEx
Device ID number, use the -1/+1 buttons to select a number between
1 and 128 and press ENTER.
