Examples – Lenovo ThinkPad Edge 15 User Manual

Page 154

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9. Implement Antidote Delivery Manager.

a. When the timer has expired on the donor system, the package will run and a Hello World message

box will appear.

b. If you prefer not to wait, on the donor system, you can enter C:\Program Files\Lenovo\Rescue and



Antidote Delivery Manager can be utilized in the following examples:

Example 1

This example shows using a package to fix a computer that is constantly displaying a blue screen because
of a virus or bad entry in registry.

1. The virus is probably run through the Run Key in the registry. To fix the problem, a go.rrs file that runs

reg needs to be created. See “Supported Microsoft commands” on page 139 for a list of Microsoft
commands. Reg removes the registry value and deletes the executable from the system, if possible.
The contents should look like this:

reg delete HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Run /v runvirusvalue
/f del %custos%\windows\system32\virus.exe

2. Now place your go.rrs file in your C:\ADM\BUILD directory and run:

apkgmes.exe /key mykey.prv C:\ADM\BUILD REMOVEVIRUS

3. Copy REMOVEVIRUSYYDDHHMM.ZAP to your mailbox.

4. Boot up each client and press the Access ThinkVantage button, F11 or the Enter key to enter the

Predesktop Area where the mailman.exe file is run on startup and then run the REMOVEVIRUS package.

Example 2

This example pushes a Quick Fix Engineering update or patch down to client machines.

1. Create a directory to hold the script file and patch files, for example: C:\ADM\PATCHBUILD.

2. Place the QFE or patch executable in the C:\ADM\PATCHBUILD directory.

3. Create a file named go.rrs and place the following lines in it but customize the line that will run and install

the Microsoft Quick Fix Engineering or patch. Since this patch can only be installed in a regular Windows
operating system, this script prevents the install from attempting to run in Windows Professional Edition.

retryonerror /on 10
if errorlevel 2 goto ERROR
if errorlevel 1 goto InOS
if errorlevel 0 goto InPE

exit 1

Netwk.exe /d
Netwk.exe /e
msgbox.exe /msg "Patch Installed" /head "Done" /ok
exit 0


Rescue and Recovery 4.23 Deployment Guide
