10 windows, 11 help – Autocue WinCue Pro News Version 1.3 User Manual

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WinCue Pro News User Guide

WinCue Pro News Menus


Server Monitor – This feature is not available in this version of WinCue Pro News

Layout Editor –

See Chapter 8 The Layout Editor


Options – See Chapter 6 for configuration information.



Cascade – This re-sizes the windows so that they overlap one another.

Tile Horizontally – If you have more than one runorder open you can have both

displayed horizontally at the same time.

Tile Vertically – If you have more than one runorder open you can have both
displayed vertically at the same time.

Close – This will close the current WinCue Pro News file.

Next Item – This will move down an item in the runorder.

Previous Item – This will move you up an item in the runorder.

Untitled Simple Script File – This shows the file that is currently active. If there are two

or more files loaded the active file will have a tick by its name.



Index – Opens the WinCue Pro News Help file.
