5 i.m.t card scroll port – Autocue WinCue Pro News Version 1.3 User Manual

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WinCue Pro News User Guide

Scroll Controls



I.M.T Card Scroll Port

The I.M.T. 2-button scroll controller is supplied with WinCue Pro News and is
connected to the I.M.T. card. This scroll controller does not require any kind of

configuration apart from having to select it.

Click on I.M.T. Card Scroll Port and click OK.

To scroll the text, turn the knob at the end of the scroll control clockwise to speed up
and anti clockwise to slow down.

To change the direction of the prompted text press the black button.

To jump to the next marker press the red button.

Centre Stop Mode – This is set if you require your scroll control to change the direction
off the prompted text as well as controlling the speed of the text.

How it works:

The IMT Scroll Control can be set up for Centre Stop mode. In the Configure Scroll
Controls dialog box, click on IMT Card Scroll Port.

To enable Centre Stop Mode, the Centre Stop Mode check box should be checked

Next the stop point and stop zone should be set.

The I.M.T scroll control sends data in the range 0 to 120 to tell WinCue Pro News how
fast to prompt the text; 0 is stop and 120 is the fastest scroll rate. This scroll rate is
determined by the position of the scroll control knob. If the Stop Point is set to 60,
