Unitec POS4000/V2 User Manual

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Document Title:

POS4000/V2 Operations Manual

Program 1


Program 2


Program 3


Program 4


Option 1


Option 2


Option 3


Assume that a customer purchases a program 2 wash (either full priced or at a
discount) from the cashier and receives a ticket with a valid code. The customer
then drives to the carwash entrance and enters that code. At this point, the
customer can enter the wash to receive program 2 or deposit $1.00 to upgrade to
program 3 or deposit $1.50 to receive program 4. The amount of cash required
to upgrade is the same regardless of the price level of the original code.

Once the highest priced program has been purchased, the customer can
continue to upgrade by adding options (if options are present on your system).
Continuing the previous example, assume the customer has upgraded to
program 4. At this point, the customer can add option 1 by depositing $1.00,
options 1 & 2 by depositing $2.00 or options 1 & 2 & 3 by depositing $2.75.

Upgrading from one program to the next is done by depositing the difference in
the full price of the programs (since one program is replaced with the other).
Upgrading from one option to the next is done by depositing the full price of the
next option (since each option is added to the current wash program).

If a customer purchases a program type ticket (as opposed to a group type ticket)
from the cashier or makes an all cash purchase at the wash entrance, the buy up
sequence will proceed through all program type washes and then add all options
as follow:

Prog 1, Prog 2, ... Prog N, Opt 1, Opt 2, ... Opt N.

Options that were included in the original code are not included
in the buy up process.

