Bio-Rad DCode™ Universal Mutation Detection System User Manual

Page 79

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Caution: Use caution when handling radioisotopes. Proper handling and disposal of
radioactive material should be followed.

5. After the gel has been treated with a fluorographic reagent, carefully place the gel on a

3MM Whatman paper and remove any air bubbles. Place Saran Wrap evenly on top of the
gel without creating any bubbles. This helps to keep the gel intact and prevents any
contamination to the gel dryer. Place the gel in a gel dryer for about 60 minutes at 60°C.

6. Expose the gel to X-ray film or a phosphor imaging screen. Scan the imaging screen on

a storage phosphor imaging system.

Section 9

Always confirm that the line voltage is correct for the DCode system.

9.1 Equipment





No display with power on

Burned out fuse

Replace fuse located
near power cord

Buffer not circulating

Buffer level too low

Add buffer to ‘Fill’

Pump clogged, not

Call Bio-Rad


Cannot preheat buffer

Buffer level too low

Add buffer to ‘Fill’ level

Long preheat time

Clear loading lid not

Place clear loading lid on

on system


Stir bar not functioning

Broken belt on stirrer

Replace belt

Stir bar interferes with

Maximum thickness

gel sandwiches

of gel is 1.5 mm

Stir bar not engaged

Align stir bar in support
tank hole

Casting gels

Leaking during gel casting

Improper assembly of

Using the alignment

gel sandwich

card, check that the
spacers and glass plate
bottom are flush prior to
pouring gel

Chipped glass plates

Insure glass plates are
free of flaws. Use new set
of glass plates

