Bio-Rad Bio-Plex System Validation and Calibration Tools User Manual

Page 35

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Section 11
Troubleshooting Guide

Problem Cause


Optics validation

Problem with the

Repeat the procedure.

procedure shows

optical component of

If value is still out of

value outside of

the array reader

range, contact Bio-Rad

acceptable range

technical support.

Reporter validation

Problem with the

Repeat the procedure.

procedure shows

optical component of

If value is still out of

value outside of

the array reader

range, contact Bio-Rad

acceptable range

technical support.

Classify validation

Problem with the

Repeat the procedure.

procedure shows

calibration or

If values are still out of

value outside of

optical component

range, contact Bio-Rad

acceptable range

of the array reader

technical support.

Fluidics validation

Problem with

Repeat procedure. If

procedure shows

fluidics lines,

value is still out of range,

value outside

valves or sample

contact Bio-Rad

of acceptable range

needle of array reader.

technical support.

Section 12
Ordering Information

Catalog #



Bio-Plex Validation Kit 3.0, includes optics validation, fluidics
validation, reporter validation, and classify validation bead sets for
approximately 50 validation routines


Bio-Plex Calibration Kit, includes CAL1 and CAL2 calibration beads
for approximately 50 daily calibration routines


Bio-Plex MCV Plate II for use with Bio-Plex Manager 3.0 and
Validation kit 3.0


Bio-Plex MCV Plate for use with Bio-Plex Manager 2.0 and
Validation kit 3.0


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