Cursor coordinates: standard and trace modes – HP 48g Graphing Calculator User Manual

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4. For Function, Polar, and Parametric plot types, put a check-mark

in the SI MULT field (on the PLOT OPTIONS screen) if you want
the plots of all expressions and equations in the list to be drawn

simultaneously. If this field is left unchecked, then the plots will be

drawn sequentially (as they always are for other plot types).

5. Press ERASE DRFi|...| (or just DR FIN if you don’t want to erase

the previous plot or picture).

Cursor Coordinates: Standard and TRACE


B While viewing the plot, press c ,


to hide the menu and display


the coordinate values (in user-units) of the current cursor position.



to redisplay the menu and cancel the coordinates


Whenever a plot is drawn—either originally or as a part of a zoom

operation—the cursor begins in s t a n d a r d graphics mode. In standard

mode, pressing (


) O) ®i m causes the cursor to move in the

indicated direction without regard to the current plot. In standard
mode, the horizontal and vertical “centers” of the pixel currently

at the intersection of the crosshairs are reported as the current


Some plot types also offer TRACE mode as an alternative mode of
cursor movement. In TRACE mode, the cursor jumps from plotted

point to plotted point along the function, instead of along pixel rows

and columns. TRACE will appear in the menu if the current plot type

uses TRACE mode.

While viewing the plot, press TRACE to turn on TRACE mode.
The m is displayed in the menu label whenever TRACE is on. Press

TRAC« to turn off TRACE mode. Note that executing a zoom or

other function that redraws the graph will automatically turn off

TRACE mode, as well.

22-4 Plotting

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