Sensor reading (fru hotswap sensor), Get sensor reading (physical ipmb-0 sensor), 1 sensor reading (fru hotswap sensor) – ADLINK aTCA-6250 User Manual

Page 30: 2 get sensor reading (physical ipmb-0 sensor)

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Sensor Reading (FRU Hotswap Sensor)

Byte Data field

Request data


Sensor Number (FFh = reserved)

1 Completion


2 Sensor


[7:0] - Not used. Write as 00h.


Standard IPMI byte (See “Get Sensor Reading” in IPMI specification):
[7] - 0b = All Event Messages disabled from this sensor
[6] - 0b = sensor scanning disabled
[5] - 1b = initial update in progress. This bit is set to indicate that a “Re-
arm Sensor Events” or “Set Event Receiver” command has been used to
request an update of the sensor status, and that update has not occurred
yet. Software should use this bit to avoid getting an incorrect status while
the first sensor update is in progress. This bit is only required if it is
possible for the IPM
Controller to receive and process a “Get Sensor Reading or Get Sensor
Event Status” command for the sensor before the update has completed.
This is most likely to be the case for sensors, such as fan RPM sensors,
that may require seconds to accumulate the first reading after a re-arm.
[4:0] – reserved. Ignore on read.


Current State Mask
[7] – 1b = FRU Operational State M7 - Communication Lost
[6] – 1b = FRU Operational State M6 - FRU Deactivation In Progress
[5] – 1b = FRU Operational State M5 - FRU Deactivation Request
[4] – 1b = FRU Operational State M4 - FRU Active
[3] – 1b = FRU Operational State M3 - FRU Activation in Progress
[2] – 1b = FRU Operational State M2 - FRU Activation Request
[1] – 1b = FRU Operational State M1 - FRU Inactive
[0] – 1b = FRU Operational State M0 - FRU Not Installed

Response data


[7:0] – Optional/Reserved. If provided, write as 80h (IPMI restriction).
Ignore on read.


Get Sensor Reading (Physical IPMB-0 Sensor)

Byte Data field

Request data


Sensor Number (FFh = reserved)

1 Completion


Response data


[7] – IPMB B Override State
0b = Override state, bus isolated
1b = Local Control state - IPM Controller determines state of bus.
[6:4] = IPMB B Local Status
0h = No Failure. Bus enabled if no override in effect.
1h = Unable to drive clock HI
2h = Unable to drive data HI
3h = Unable to drive clock LO
4h = Unable to drive data LO
5h = Clock low timeout
6h = Under test (the IPM Controller is attempting to determine if it is
causing a bus hang).
7h = Undiagnosed Communications Failure
[3] – IPMB A Override State
0b = Override state, bus isolated
1b = Local Control state - IPM Controller determines state of bus.
[2:0] = IPMB A Local Status
