8 device configuration, 9 encoder classes, 1 class 1 and class 2 – ifm electronic RN3001 User Manual

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Encoder with Profibus interface


When the terminal resistor is activated, the next bus (Bus Out) is decoupled�
The bus is only correctly connected if the encoder is installed on the terminal cap� If the encoder has

to be replaced during operation, the use of a separate active bus termination is recommended�
After the address has been set in the hardware and, if applicable, the terminating resistor has been

activated, the encoder can be put into operation�

8 Device configuration

Encoders with Profibus interface can be configured and parameterised according

to the requirements of the user�
In this respect the GSD file of the device is loaded into the projection tool� Various

encoder classes can be selected for the projection� Parameters and functionalities

of the device that can be set depend on the selected encoder class� ifm encoders

of the RM30xx and RN30xx series support all encoder classes described below�
Therefore the functionality is not restricted from the hardware side and is only

determined by the user� ifm encoders do not only provide the encoder classes

"Class 1" and "Class 2" described in the encoder profile but also encoder classes

with manufacturer-specific functions�
When configuring the device, configuration and parameter data are defined by

selecting the encoder class� This data saved in the Profibus master is transferred

once to the encoder when the system starts up (configuration and parameterising

phase – "DDLM_Set_Prm")� It is not possible to change configuration or

parameters during operation�
After the configuration and parameter data has been received, the encoder goes

into normal operation (cyclic data exchange – "DDLM_Data_Exchange mode")

in which, for example, the position value is transferred� The length and format of

the data exchanged are also defined when configuring the device by selecting the

appropriate encoder class�

9 Encoder classes

9.1 Class 1 and Class 2
The encoder classes Class 1 and Class 2 are the versions according to the

encoder profile defined by the encoder working group in the Profibus user

organisation (available from PNO indicating order no� 3�062)�

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