LinPlug MorphoX User Manual

Page 37

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- Per Instance options: These are valid for each instance of MorphoX, that

is for every instrument you open, and only for this one. They are not
affected when you load another preset. They are used to make one
particular instance of MorphoX work in a desired way, of course this is
saved with your song or project in your DAW.

- Global options: Global options are valid for all MorphoX Instruments in

every song/project, they store automatically and work in each and every
instance of MorphoX that will be opened on your computer. So neither
loading of a preset or a song/project will affect them.

The Bend Up Range control is used to set the LinPlug MorphoX's
response to pitch bend messages. Bend Range can be set from 0 to 24
semitones. A setting of 0 means that the Pitch Wheel won't affect the
sounds pitch.

The Bend Down Range control is used to set the LinPlug MorphoX's
response to pitch bend messages. Bend Down Range can be set from 0 to
24 semitones.
The Bend Down Range control can also be set to “Link” in which case the
Bend Down Range is the same as the Bend Up Range.

Microtonal Scale: See Appendix B for a complete description of how to
use TUN files in the LinPlug MorphoX.

Master Tune is used to set the overall tuning of the LinPlug MorphoX if no
micro-tuning file is loaded . Tuning can be set from 415.3 Hz to 466.2 Hz.

Next are two options which allow you too choose a different Controller to
function as Modulation Wheel or Aftertouch. This is useful when you not
play with a keyboard or when your keyboard has not Aftertouch (also called
Pressure) function but you have for example a Breath Controller connected;
in this case just choose “Breath Controller” for the Aftertouch function and
you can play MorphoX using the Breath Controller to control all sounds
which are programmed using Aftertouch.

Next is the Startup Preset and Library Location setting. When you install
MorphoX the Library (thats the presets) is placed in a default location. On
PC that is in the same folder where you installed MorphoX, on Mac it is
“/Library/Application Support/LinPlug”.
However. If you for some reason want to place the library in a different

MorphoX user manual 1.1.0

page 37
