Recording menu – Det-Tronics 000499-124 DVR, 16 Camera, 500GB (Guardall) User Manual

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21-0421E rev1.1

VeDVR User Guide


NOTE: Time periods in one day cannot be repeated.

1. When a Motion Alarm has occurred during the defined schedule, the DVR will respond based on the procedure

selections. One or more selections include:

On Screen Warning

Audible Warning

Upload to Main PC (send exception information to the central host PC)

Turn on Alarm Output.

Send Email

Notify RSE

2. Use “▲”, “▼” and “EDIT” on the DVR controls, remote control or left click a mouse to enable or disable each

option. “x” is disable and “9” is enable.

NOTE: If On Screen Warning is enabled, when a motion alarm occurs and the DVR is in preview mode, the DVR will
show the related camera. If more than one camera is activated, the DVR will display them one after another
depending on the Display Delay time set in the Preview Menu. When the motion alarm is cleared, the DVR will return
to the normal Preview Mode screen.

3. Press the Confirm button to save the selections and return to the Image menu. Pressing cancel will not save the

changes and will return to the Image menu.

This procedure can be repeated to setup motion detection for other cameras. These selections for one camera can be
copied to any of the other cameras. In “Copy to camera:” enter another camera number and press “Copy”

NOTE: The Motion alarm area can not be copied.

If disabling the motion alarm area and motion alarm procedure, set the Mot.(ion) Det:(ection) Level to disabled or “x”.

Recording Menu

Select the Recording Icon from the main menu.

To make selections in this screen,

1. Use the “◄”, “►”, “▲” and “▼” arrow buttons on the DVR controls or remote control or mouse pointer to high light

the screen selections.

2. Press “EDIT” to change a selection
3. Use

“▲”, “▼” to change the selection. Left click the mouse to change the selection.

4. Press “Enter” to save the selection and return to the Image Menu.
5. After making changes, press Confirm to save the changes or cancel to not save the changes.

If Hard Drive is Full

Overwrite: When all HDDs in the DVR are full, the DVR will overwrite the earliest recorded files and continue
