Det-Tronics 000499-124 DVR, 16 Camera, 500GB (Guardall) User Manual

Page 32

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VeDVR User Guide

21-0421E rev1.1

Scheduled Recording

1. In the Recording Channel Configuration of the Recording Menu, use “ENTER” or “EDIT” to enable the recording

function and change the ×” to a check mark: “9”.

2. Press the Schedule button to open the recording schedule menu.

3. Use the arrow keys “▲”, “▼” on the DVR controls or remote control or left click a mouse pointer to select a day of

the week.

4. Highlight the check box on the right side of the All Day selection and ensure it is an “x” to disable that function. “x

to disable and “9” to enable. When the All Day selection is disabled, the Period selections will be enabled.

5. There are 4 time periods for one day, and each time period can select a different record type. Input start time and

stop time for each time period, and select the Record Type for each period. The Record Type options are the
same as the previous All Day Recording selection options:

Cont HQ (Continuous High Quality): default selection.

Cont LQ (Continuous Low Quality)

Cont HQIEvt (Event)

Cont LQIEvt

Mot(ion) Det(ection)


Mot(ion)IAlm (Alarm)



Ensure that adequate time periods are set to avoid missing possible occurrences.

NOTE: The time periods in one day cannot be repeated.

Copy to:

Select another day of the week to copy the current day of the week selections to and press Copy.

If the record type is “Mot(ion) Det(ection)” or other related motion types, “Motion Detection” must be enabled in the
Camera Input Adjustment of the Image Menu in order to turn Motion recording on.
If the record type is “Alarm” or other related alarm types, responding to an alarm must be enabled in the Alarm Menu
in order to turn Alarm recording on.
Time periods are between 00:00—24:00.

Press the Confirm button to save all changes and return to the Recording Menu.
