Main toolbar, Results data, Display toolbox – Bio-Rad Image Lab™ Software User Manual

Page 58: Main toolbar results data display toolbox

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| Image Lab Software Overview

58 | Gel Doc XR+ and ChemiDoc XRS+ Systems with Image Lab Software

Main Toolbar

Many Image Lab tools can be selected by clicking toolbar buttons. The Screenshot

tool enables you to send a screen capture of your image to the clipboard or to save

it as a file. You can view demonstrations of various functions by clicking Tutorials.

The unlimited Undo and Redo buttons enable you to correct missteps easily.

View results data

File management

Results Data

Results data associated with gel images can be viewed as an analysis table, a lane

profile, a standard curve, or in a report. Different tools for viewing the results data

are easily accessible from the main toolbar. These tools are described in

Chapter 7,

Viewing Images


The views display the analysis for the selected image. All of the views can be

displayed at the same time. See

Displaying Data on page


for details.

Display Toolbox

The display toolbox at the top of every image enables you to display images in the

most useful ways. See

Chapter 7, Viewing Images

for a description of each option.

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