Edit selection, Export table, Fix table titles – BUCHI NIRCal User Manual

Page 257: Flip x-axis, Flip y-axis, Invert selection, Load selection from set, Large plots, Mouse select, Mouse select lasso

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NIRCal 5.5 Manual, Version A



Edit Selection

Opens the Edit Selection Dialog.
Note: Changes to the current selection do not effect your calibration or validation set.


Export Table

Export the table as Excel sheet.


Fix Table Titles

Fixes the row and table titles for better scrolling.


Flip X-Axis

Flips the plot x-axis. Draws the x-axis from lower to upper or vice versa.


Flip Y-Axis

Flips the y-axis. Draws the y-axis from lower to upper or vice versa.


Invert Selection

Toggles the selected objects to be unselected and vice versa. Use this feature if you have copied the
selected objects into the calibration set and want to copy the now unselected objects into the
validation set.
Changes to the current selection do not affect your calibration or validation set.


Load Selection from Set

The current selection will be replaced by the objects contained in the chosen set.
Changes to the current selection do not affect your calibration or validation set.


Large Plots

Menu: Options > Large Plots
Keyboard Shortcut L and Ctrl+L for all plots

The axis labels are not displayed and the graphic area of the plot is expanded.
To change this parameter for all plots at the same time use the "Toggle Plot Size" command from the
"Window" menu.


Mouse Select

Handling the selection status of objects using the mouse.
Select one corner of the region containing the objects or part of the objects that you want to change
the selection status and open a rubber banded rectangle keeping the left mouse button pressed.
When you release the mouse button the objects contained will change there status depending on the
keyboard keys pressed:

Button status:

no button: copy the object(s) to the selection the current selection is deleted

shift: add the object(s) to the current selection

control: toggle the selection status of the object(s)

shift + control: remove the object(s) from the current selection


Mouse Select Lasso

2D-Scatter plots allow with Lasso to create free shape selection of the data. Keyboard: S.
