BUCHI NIRCal User Manual

Page 73

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NIRCal 5.5 Manual, Version A


Spectra Selection in the NIR-Explorer

Open NIR-Explorer

Steps sequence:

1. Open the folder “Calibrations” by clicking on the box + in front of the folder or double clicking the
2. Open the active calibration, indicated by the red dot.
3. Open the folder “Data Sets”.
4. Select "Spectra".

5. Select "Calibration Spectra" in the right part of the window. To open the Edit window press the
right mouse button and click on Edit Set or double click on the selected line. Choose Blockwise with
Block select 6 and leave 3, press OK for applying this selection.
For the " Validation Spectra" the Blockwise method is selected, press first Apply, than Invert and
press OK to get the rest.
