BUCHI NIRCal User Manual

Page 88

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NIRCal 5.5 Software Manual


NIRCal 5.5 Manual, Version A

The Q-Value is a measure of the quality of the calibrations. It ranges from 0 to 1. The higher the Q-
Value, the better the calibration.
Q-Value 1 is theoretical, in practice not achievable, if the value is higher as 0.75 (green), the
calibration is acceptable, between 0.5-0.75 (blue) the calibration is useable, but not very accurate.
Calibrations with Q-Value below 0.5 (red) should be inspected very carefully before routine use. The
general observation is that qualitative calibrations yield considerably better Q-Value than quantitative
calibrations. The Q-Value is a very good tool for the judgement of calibrations especially when
comparing different calibrations.
After all calibrations have been calculated the results are summarized, the calibrations are sorted by
the Q-Value. In addition to the calculated property the used secondary (calibration) / primary factors =
PCs, the selected wavelengths regions, the used algorithm and pretreatments are listed as well.
