Flash management, Special redboot commands, Memory maps – Comtrol eCos User Manual

Page 247: Rebuilding redboot, Overview

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Chapter 5. Installation and Testing

$ dd conv=sync if=install/bin/redboot.bin of=/dev/fd0

Insert this floppy in the A: drive of the PC to be used as a target and ensure that the BIOS is configured to boot
from A: by default. On reset, the PC will boot from the floppy and be ready to be debugged via either serial line,
or via the ethernet interface if it is installed.

NOTE: Unreliable floppy media may cause the write to silently fail. This can be determined if the RedBoot
image does not correctly boot. In such cases, the floppy should be (unconditionally) reformatted using the
fdformat command on Linux, or format a: /u on DOS/Windows.

Flash management

PC RedBoot does not support any FLASH commands.

Special RedBoot Commands


Memory Maps

All selectors are initialized to map the entire 32-bit address space in the familiar protected mode flat model. Page
translation is not used. RAM up to 640K is mapped to 0x0 to 0xa0000. RAM above 640K is mapped from address
0x100000 upwards. Space is reserved between 0xa0000 and 0x100000 for option ROMs and the BIOS.

Rebuilding RedBoot

These shell variables provide the platform-specific information needed for building RedBoot according to the
procedure described in

Chapter 3


export TARGET=pc

export ARCH_DIR=i386

export PLATFORM_DIR=pc

The names of configuration files are listed above with the description of the associated modes.

MIPS/MIPS32(CoreLV 4Kc)+MIPS64(CoreLV 5Kc) Atlas Board


RedBoot supports the DgbSer serial port and the built in ethernet port for communication and downloads. The
default serial port settings are 115200,8,N,1. RedBoot runs from and supports flash management for the system

