Editing headers and footers, Edit headers or footers, Special”) – Nisus Writer Pro User Manual

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Creating Headers and Footers

Headers and Footers

Insert a header and/or footer for odd numbered pages

1. If you have not already prepared your document for “reflected margins” as explained in “Mirror

page placement” on page 129, open the Tooldrawer and select the Sections palette group from
the icons at the top, or, choose the menu command Window > Palettes > Headers and
as explained in “Set the margins numerically” on 127.

2. Click Odd & Even Pages.

Checking Odd & Even Pages automatically turns on Use Facing Pages in the Section palette.

3. Click your insertion point in the Click for Header/Footer areas of an odd numbered page of the

Nisus Writer Pro window.

4. Enter the contents of the header or footer in the window and/or choose appropriate variables

from the various submenus of the Insert menu.

Have your header and/or footer appear on the second and

succeeding pages of your document and no number appear on the

first (“First Page Special”)

Click Different First Page in the Header/Footer palette of the Sections group of palettess.


If you have multiple sections of your document and want to have a “first page special” for each section
you must first insert the section break and then click Different First Page for each section you want
to have appear in this manner. You can learn more about creating multiple sections in your document
in “Creating Sections in Your Document” on page 189.

Add a title page to a document and have the numbering appear and

begin at 1 on the third page

1. Type your title on the first page of the document.
2. Choose the menu command Insert > Page Break immediately following your title.
3. Choose the menu command Insert > Section Break > Next Page immediately after the page

break following the title page.

4. Place your insertion point on the title page and, using the Header/Footer palette in the

Sections group of palettes, click (check, turn on): Hidden Headers and Hidden Footers.

5. Put your insertion point in the second section (the primary text area) and, similarly, using the

Header/Footer palette from the Sections group of palettes, click (un-check, turn off): Different
First Page
, Hidden Headers and Hidden Footers.

6. Click your insertion point inside the “Click for Header” (or “Click for Footer”) area and choose

the menu command Insert > Automatic Number > Page Number.

7. Using the Section [2] palette, be sure that Page is active in the Numbering portion, and click

(check, turn on) Restart At: and set the number in the text edit box there to 1.

Insert a different header or footer for each section in the document

1. Choose either Next Page, Odd Page, or Even Page from the menu Insert > Section Break
2. Click your insertion point in the Click for Header/Footer areas of the Nisus Writer Pro window.
3. In the Header/Footer palette check Different Headers and/or Different Footers.
4. Type the contents of the header or footer in the window and/or choose appropriate variables

from the menu Insert > Automatic Number.


If inserting a section break causes a blank page to appear in your document and you have Show Page
turned on, Nisus Writer Pro displays an “Empty Page” indicator on the blank page. Any
information you have in your headers and/or footers does not appear.

Editing Headers and Footers

Once you have added headers and/or footers to your document you may want to edit them. Some
people like to work in Draft View or Full Screen view which allows the text to flow across the full
width of the monitor without regard to margins, line wraps and page breaks. Without visible page
breaks, headers and footers (which are, by definition, aspects of pages) do not appear in Draft View
or Full Screen view.

Display headers and footers as they appear in the document

Choose the menu command View > Page View.

Edit headers or footers

Click in the header or footer area and make the changes you want.
