Hyphenating your text, Turn hyphenation on, Turn hyphenation off – Nisus Writer Pro User Manual

Page 288: Make hyphenation more frequent, Turn hyphenation off for particular paragraphs, Use a soft hyphen, Hyphens

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Hyphenating your text

Proofing Documents

Hyphenating your text

According to the Apple text engine used in hyphenation is a “view” of your document, not a function
of editing or spelling. You turn the display of your text as hyphenated or not.

Turn hyphenation on

Choose the menu command View > Hyphenation > Normal.

Turn hyphenation off

Choose the menu command View > Hyphenation > Disabled.

Nisus Writer Pro does, however offer a few additional controls.

Make hyphenation more frequent

Choose the menu command View > Hyphenation > More Often.

Turn hyphenation off for particular paragraphs

While you cannot turn hyphenation on for particular paragraphs, if you have hyphenation turned to
on, you can turn it off for particular paragraphs

1. Select the paragraph(s) for which you want to turn hyphenation off.
2. Choose the menu command Format > Paragraph > Prevent Hyphenation.

Prevent a compound word from breaking on its hyphens

You might have a complex or compound word such as “not‑to‑be-denied” that you do not want to
have break at certain designated locations.

1. Select the existing hyphen, or place your insertion point where you want the non-breaking

hyphen to appear.

2. Choose the menu command Special Characters > Dashes and Hyphens > Non-Breaking

Hyphen (or click Non-Breaking Hyphen in the Dashes and Hyphens set of the Special
Characters palette).

Use a soft hyphen

If you use Nisus Writer Pro with Leopard (Mac OS X 10.5.x) or later you can enter a soft hyphen.
This causes the word to break (if needed) at the designated location.

1. Place your insertion point where you want the word to break.
2. Choose the menu command Insert > Special Characters > Dashes and Hyphens > Soft

Hyphen (or click Soft Hyphen in the Dashes and Hyphens set of the Special Characters palette).


If you have hyphenation turned off your word will break at the appropriate spot, but a hyphen
character will not appear. However, if you have hyphenation turned on the word may or may
not break at the location of the soft hyphen.

The four series of illustrations in Figure 294 depicts these various phenomena. In the text
illustrated, the word “not‑to‑be-denied” has two non-breaking hyphens and the word
“anthropologists” has a soft hyphen. If you wish to practice with it:

Based on the premise that some word processor other than Nisus Writer
Pro might represent the “established” !(though more clumsy) manner of
writing on a computer, there are those who, like yourselves, nonetheless,
use Nisus Writer Pro as their writing tool of choice. Nonetheless, believe
it or not there actually are people who seem able to reject, this, our
not‑to‑be-denied elegant, powerful and pleasurable word processing tool.
I am told among some academicians (most of whom I have learned
happen to be anthropologists), there are some people who seem to have
even gone as far as to study this strange movement or ideology that
opposes the disestablishment of that other word processor (which shall
remain, at least in this venue, nameless).
These people (and we wish them well, as they may enlighten us with a
window of opportunity to increase the usage of Nisus Writer Pro) might
be considered to be involved in the field of
