Nisus Writer Pro User Manual

Page 360

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Start tracking changes

Tracking Changes to Your Documents

Supposing that Anna Sewell had Nisus Writer Pro, she might have made comments in her
“manuscript” (explained in detail in the section “Using Comments in Your Documents” beginning on
page 327) before sending it to her publisher. In her comments she might have expressed her
concerns. The document might have looked something like what appears in Figure 373.

Figure 373

Anna Sewell sends her comments to her publisher

On receiving the file, Jarrold’s editor opens it, turns on Track Changes and begins to edit the 87-
word sentence in the paragraph beginning “Long strings of young horses out of the country,”
breaking it into three, as illustrated in Figure 374. With comments showing on the left, the Tracked
Changes pane appears on the right.
The badge on the Track Changes button on the Toolbar displays the number of changes as they are
made as illustrated in Figure 374.

Jarrold’s editor replaced a comma with a period and added the word “Their”.

The editor also replaced a semicolon and a lowercase “t” with a period and an uppercase “T”.

In addition the editor added a comment to Anna’s regarding the use of the phrase “strings of
young horses”.
