Set the starting point of the spelling checker, Activate the spelling floating window, Set the starting point of the spelling checker 264 – Nisus Writer Pro User Manual

Page 284: Checker

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How to Check Spelling

Proofing Documents

When Nisus Writer Pro finds an unknown word it presents you with a list of correctly-spelled
suggestions. The spelling checker also flags words it does not recognize. It ignores lowercase letters
at the start of a sentence, and repeated words.
When the spelling checker finds a word not in the Apple system dictionary, it suggests alternatives
and allows you to correct it, ignore it, or learn the word.

Set the starting point of the spelling checker

1. Click at any point in your document where you want the spelling checker to begin.
2. Click Find Next in the Spelling window.

The Spelling window acts as a “floating” window. Even though it is visible above the document
window and you can click any of its buttons, if it is not active as illustrated in Figure 290 typing
enters text in the document window.
When the window is active one of its text windows has a highlighted edge as in Figure 291. In
this state typing enters text in the Spelling window.

Figure 290

The Spelling window when it is not active does not have a highlighted edge

Figure 291

The Spelling window when it is active has a highlighted edge (in this case beside the Correct button)

Activate the Spelling floating window

Click your insertion point in the “Correct” text edit box.

You can then type alternative spellings in it or select various words from the “Guess” list using
the arrow keys of your keyboard.

Replace a misspelled word using the spelling checker

When the spelling checker finds a word which is not in its dictionary, it suggests alternatives and
allows you to correct it. The suggestions given are based upon both the actual characters and the
phonetic sounds of the unknown word.

1. Use the scroll list to view suggestions for misspelled words.
2. Click one of them to place it in the Correct box.
3. To replace the word in your document with the word in the Replace with box

click Correct or Correct All, or

if the Spelling window is the active window, press

< or T.

If you cannot find the word you want in the suggestion list, select the unknown word in the text
edit box at the bottom of the Spelling window and edit it, then click Correct or press

< or T.
