Executing an effect – Sony DFS-700 User Manual

Page 82

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Chapter 3 Basic Operation


Chapter 3 Basic Operation

Checking the direction and state of progress of the transition

Whether you are carrying out the effect manually or automatically, the
transition indicator on the left of the fader lever (20 LEDs) shows the state
of progress of the transition.
When you start the transition, the indicator lights progressively in the
direction of the transition, and goes off when the transition completes.
If you pause the transition, the indicator remains on in the corresponding
You can always complete a paused transition by moving the fader lever in
the direction of the unlit indicator segments.

Direction of progress of

Direction of moving
fader lever

Transition indicator
Of the 20 LEDs, ten are lit, showing that the
transition is one-half completed.

Executing an Effect

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