Display existing outbound acl rules, Configuring url filters, Url filter configuration parameters – Asus RX3041H User Manual

Page 75: Add an url filter rule, Table 9.2. url filter configuration parameters, 6 configuring url filters

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RX3041H User’s Manual

Chapter 9. Configuring Firewall/NAT Settings


1. Open the Outbound ACL Rule Configuration Page by clicking on the Firewall

Î Outbound ACL


2. Click on the

icon of the rule to be deleted in the outbound ACL table or select the rule number

from the “ID” drop-down list.

3. Click on the

button to delete this ACL rule. Note that the ACL rule deleted will be

removed from the ACL rule table located at the bottom half of the same configuration page.

9.5.4 Display

Existing Outbound ACL Rules

To see existing outbound ACL rules, just open the Outbound ACL Rule configuration page by clicking on the

Î Outbound ACL menu.

9.6 Configuring URL Filters

Keyword based URL (Uniform Resource Locator, e.g.


) filtering allows you to define one or

more keywords that should not appear in URL’s. Any URL containing one or more of these keywords will be
blocked. This is a policy independent feature i.e. it cannot be associated to ACL rules. This feature can be
independently enabled/disabled, but works only if firewall is enabled.


URL Filter Configuration Parameters

Table 9.2 describes the configuration parameters available for an URL filter rule.

Table 9.2. URL Filter Configuration Parameters



URL Filter State

Click on “Enable” or “Disable” radio button to enable or disable URL filtering.

Proxy Server Port

Enter the proxy server (web server) port number configured for your web
browser. Note that the proxy server port change requires you to disable and
enable the firewall to take effect.


Add New

Click on this option to add a new URL filter rule.

Rule Number

Select a rule from the drop-down list to modify its attributes.


Define a keyword that should not appear in the URL.


Add an URL Filter Rule

To add an URL Filter, follow the instructions below:

1. Open the URL Filter configuration page by clicking on the Firewall


Filter menu.

2. Select

Add New” from the “ID” drop-down list.

3. Enter a keyword to the Keyword field. Figure 9.11 shows an URL filter rule

example. It demonstrates:

a) How to add the keyword “schwab”. Any URL containing this keyword will

be blocked.

b) Set the proxy web server port number to 80 (you may use a different port number for your

proxy server). This means that this URL filter rule will be applied over the proxy server port 80
in case a proxy web server is used. If you don’t use a proxy server for your browser, this
setting will be ignored. Note that you must disable and then enable the firewall for this change
