Modify an url filter rule, Delete an url filter rule, View existing url filter rules – Asus RX3041H User Manual

Page 76: Configuring advanced firewall features, Configuring advanced firewall features – (firewall, Î advanced), Figure 9.11. url filter configuration example, Figure 9.12. url filter list

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Chapter 9. Configuring Firewall/NAT Settings

RX3041H User’s Manual


to take effect. Please refer to section 11.1 Configure System Services on details of enabling
and disabling firewall services.

Figure 9.11. URL Filter Configuration Example

4. Click on the

button to create the URL Filter rule. The new rule will then be displayed in the

URL Filter Configuration Summary table.

Figure 9.12. URL Filter List


Modify an URL Filter Rule

To modify an URL Filter rule, you must first delete the existing URL filter rule (see Section 9.6.4) and then add
a new one (see Section 9.6.2 Add an URL Filter Rule).

9.6.4 Delete


URL Filter Rule

To delete an URL Filter rule, just click on the in front of the rule to be deleted or follow the instructions below:

1. Open the URL Filter configuration page by clicking on the Firewall

Î URL Filter menu.

2. Click on the

icon of the rule to be deleted in the URL Filter Configuration Summary table or

select the rule number from the “ID” drop-down list.

3. Click on the

button to delete this rule.

9.6.5 View


URL Filter Rules

To see existing URL filter rules, just open the URL Filter configuration page by clicking on the Firewall


Filter menu.

9.7 Configuring Advanced Firewall Features – (Firewall

Î Advanced)

This option sequence brings up the screen with the following sub-options for setting advanced firewall features:

Self Access – This option allows you to configure rules for controlling packets targeting the RX3041H


Services – Use this option to configure services (applications using specified port numbers). Each

service record contains the name of service record, the IP protocol value and its corresponding port

DoS – Use this option to configure DoS – Denial of Service – parameters. This option lists the default

set of DoS attacks against which the RX3041H firewall provides protection.

The following sections describe usage of these options
