1 port function, 2 label, 3 description – Clear-Com HX System Frames User Manual

Page 114: 33 e-que splitter, Port function, Label, Description, E-que splitter

background image

Figure 5-21 Antenna Ports


Port function

This is always set to Antenna.



Label for the port used to assign the port to a path. The label has 10 characters, or can be
split into two parts, each of maximum five characters.



An optional description for the port of up to 255 characters long.


E-QUE splitter

This action automatically adds an E-Que card with two splitter ports configured. Each
splitter can support up to five antennae and each antenna provides six beltpack ports. The
hardware table shows ten antennae with the first beltpack port number for each antenna
rather than the E-QUE port number.

Therefore the first antenna is shown as port 1 (the first beltpack port) and the second
antenna is shown as port 7 (previous first port number plus six), since beltpack ports 1-6
are on the first antenna. This is repeated for successive antennae.

Figure 5-22 Splitter Ports


Port function

This is always set to Antenna.


Eclipse EHX Software User Guide

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