Engineer comments, Listen label, Talk label – Clear-Com HX System Frames User Manual

Page 139: 2 key group members, Key group members

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Engineer comments

A scratchpad for engineers to record any comments about the key group or the key group

Listen label

The listen label for the key group that is displayed on the keys assigned to the key group.

Talk label

The talk label for the key group that is displayed on the keys assigned to the key group.


Key group members

The key group editor displays a list of all the members of the currently selected key group
in the lower Attached pane.


The key members cannot be changed in this pane, but by right-clicking on an item
a Go to option is displayed. Click Go to to open the Panel Programming tab and
display the panel.

Figure 5-42 Key Group Member on Panel


Panel keys are assigned to a key group from the Panel Programming tab. Select
the required panel and key then right-click to display the properties menu.

Figure 5-43 Adding a Key to a Key Group


Select Key Groups to display a list of all the available key groups and select the
destination key group. Left click on the required key group to add the key to the
key group. The assignment is indicated by the addition of a white box round the
key and a checkbox against the key group.

Figure 5-44 Key Added to a Key Group


To remove a key from a key group select the key in panel programming and right-
click on it to open the options menu. Select the Key Groups option to display a


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