Creating a host group (optional), Modifying a host group, 57 create host group window – HP OpenView Storage Provisioner Software License User Manual

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Provisioning Storage


OpenView Storage Provisioner User Guide

Creating a Host Group (Optional)

To create a host group:

1. In the Provisioning tab, click Group for hosts on the toolbar,


Figure 57: Create Host Group window

2. Enter a host group name.

3. Click Finish to complete the task or Cancel to stop.

When you click Finish, the new host group displays in the Navigation pane.

Modifying a Host Group

To modify an existing host group:

1. In the Provisioning tab, select a host group listed in the Navigation pane.

2. Click Modify on the toolbar.

A window opens to step you through the process to modify the selected host
group information.

3. Click Finish to complete the modifications or Cancel to stop.

When you click Finish, the modifications display in the Navigation pane.
