HP XP Racks User Manual

Page 249

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Displays the format of the set operation.


The following example shows how to display the format of the set


# /usr/DynamicLinkManager/bin/dlnkmgr set -help



dlnkmgr set { -lb on [ -lbtype { rr | exrr | lio | exlio

| lbk | exlbk } ]

| -lb off

| -ellv ElogLevel

| -elfs ElogFileSize

| -elfn Number-Of-ElogFiles

| -systflv TraceLevel

| -systfs TraceFileSize

| -systfn Number-Of-TraceFiles

| -pchk on [ -intvl Interval-Time ]

| -pchk off

| -afb on [ -intvl Interval-Time ]

| -afb off

| -iem on

[ -intvl Error-Monitor-Interval ]

[ -iemnum Number-Of-Times ]

| -iem off

| -lic

| -audlog on

[ -audlv AudlogLevel ]

[ -category Category-Value ]

| -audlog off

| -audfac { Facility-Name | Facility-Number }

| -lbpathusetimes Number-Of-PathUseTimes

| -expathusetimes Number-Of-ExPathUseTimes

| -dpc { on | off } [-pathid AutoPATH_ID { -

lu | -storage } ]

| -dpcintvl Dpc-Interval

| -pstv { on | off }



Valid value

ElogLevel { 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 } (Default

Value 3)

ElogFileSize { 100 - 2000000 }(KB) (Default

Value 9900)

Number-Of-ElogFiles { 2 - 16 }(Files) (Default

Value 2)

TraceLevel { 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 } (Default

Value 0)

TraceFileSize { 100 - 16000 }(KB) (Default

Value 1000)

Number-Of-TraceFiles { 2 - 64 }(Files) (Default

Value 4)

Interval-Time { 1 - 1440 }(Minute) (Default

Value 30)


Interval-Time { 1 - 1440 }(Minute) (Default

Value 60)


Command Reference


Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager (for AIX) User Guide

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