Using component slices, Operating without auto mode, More about the score mode – FXpansion GURU User Manual

Page 23: Using component slices 22, Operating without auto mode 22, More about the score mode 22

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Using component slices
The button can be used to ‘expand’ the loop to show the
slices detected within it. When the component slices are
displayed in this way, a single slice can be loaded, effectively
as a Hit. In Auto mode, this procedure works exactly as the Hit
Browser Auto mode.

When using the Equal-16


s slice mode, the expanded slices

will represent each of the 16 slices generated by the slicing
process, rather than SmartSliced categorized hits.

Operating without Auto mode

With Auto turned off, no preview in context will occur when a
loop is clicked.

• To load all the the sounds from a loop, drag and drop the
loop from the Browser to the Pads. The Score button should
be set to ‘Audio’.

• To load a Pattern from the loop, drag and drop the loop to a
Pattern key. The Score button should be set to ‘Score’.

• To load the Pattern and sounds from the Loop, drag and drop
the loop from the Browser to a Pattern key, or to the Pads (if
you drag and drop to the Pads, the Pattern will be imported to
the current Pattern. The Score button should be set to ‘Both’.

• To load one of the component slices from the loop, expand it
with the button and drag and drop the required slice to the
desired Pad, or to the waveform display.

More about the Score mode

Guru’s Score function is useful for preserving the original
timing feel of a loop: even though Guru’s on-board sequenc-
ing system is step-based, any timing deviations are preserved
using Shift Graph



Please note that this method does not perform the same
function as other drumloop slicers: although the entire loop is
turned into a Pattern, Guru still discards everything but the 4
best matches for kicks, snares, hihats and percussion. Each
slice of the detected Score is re-directed to the closest match-
ing Pad.


See section 6:2 for details on

Shift graphs.
