Introduction, A word from devine machine, Welcome to guru – FXpansion GURU User Manual

Page 7: Introduction… getting started 6, Welcome to guru! 6, A word from devine machine 6, Getting started

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Getting Started...

Welcome to GURU!

Thank you for buying GURU – prepare to be inspired!

That’s exactly how we felt when our friends at Devine Machine showed us the first prototype,
almost a year ago… inspired by what it could do and, just as importantly, by how much FUN it
was to do it… !

Devine Machine and FXpansion joined forces to help GURU blossom – adding a sophisticated
premium-quality effects suite, hundreds of workflow enhancements, a mountain of exciting, us-
able audio content and more – so that today you can enjoy performing / producing / exploring the
multitude of new sonic possibilities GURU offers.

We hope you’ll find GURU to be a breath of fresh air in helping you to reclaim your creative free-
dom, both in the studio and when playing live.

– The FXpansion team

A word from Devine Machine

A reviewer from Computer Music once said about Devine Machine that “We eat our own dog
food”, because we use our creations on stage. This has been the case for GURU too. We sin-
cerely hope you will enjoy it, and appreciate the joining of forces with the talented FXpansion
team. We’d like to thank them, and thank you very much for buying GURU.

– Link & Steve from Devine Machine

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