Amp envelope, Fx envelope, Audition – FXpansion GURU User Manual

Page 33: Layers and velocity splits, Amp envelope 32, Fx envelope 32, Audition 32, Layers and velocity splits 32

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Amp Envelope

This AHR (Attack-Hold-Release) envelope shapes the ampli-
tude of the Pad’s samples. When a parameter is moved, the
graphical representation of the Amp Envelope on the wave-
form display reflects the changes. The parameters are:

• A: Attack
The length of time taken to reach full amplitude from –inf dB

• H: Hold
The length of time for which the sample is held at full ampli-

• R: Release
The length of time taken for the amplitude to reach –inf dB

FX Envelope

GURU provides another AHR envelope, called the FX Enve-
lope. It works in exactly the same way as the Amp Envelope,
except that it is routed to several different destinations. The
main use for this envelope is to control filter cutoff and pitch
(using the Env Cutoff and Env Pitch controls).

However, the FX Envelope is also used with the Osc Pad ef-
fects (see above).


This button plays the sound of the Pad continuously without
any MIDI/Pattern input, for convenient auditioning while edit-
ing parameters in the Pad Edit view. It’s useful if you want to
quickly adjust a sound without soloing the current Pad, or if
you don’t want to keep playing a sequence or playing MIDI in
order to hear the Pad while you edit.

Layers and Velocity Splits

Each of GURU’s Pads can hold up to 8 samples. Each Layer
has its own Pad Edit settings, with the exception of the utility
controls which act globally for all layers on the Pad. Therefore,
each layer has individual settings for Gain, Pan, Tune/Fine,
Cut/Rez/Type, Envelopes, Aux Sends, as well as its own Pad
insert effect.

• When the Layer button is clicked in the Pad Edit view, a row
of numbers (1-8) appears.

Guru’s envelopes are scaled
to the time of the current lay-
er’s slice: in other words time
between the start/end markers
in the waveform display. The
scaling is also affected by the
Scrub Graph, as it affects the
length of the samples on the
