Graphs, Sequencer master, Graphs 39 – FXpansion GURU User Manual

Page 40: Sequencer master 39

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key, or play its corresponding MIDI note, that Pattern will be
selected for editing in the Pattern view.


Each Pad lane in each Pattern has a set of Graphs associated
with it. A Graph is a step-automation system for certain sound-
altering parameters, allowing parameter automation in parallel
to the Pattern note-sequencing system: each step in a Graph
corresponds to a step in a Pattern. When a Pattern is played,
its associated Graphs always play back along with it.

There are Graphs for velocity, pan, coarse and fine tuning,
filter cutoff and filter resonance. There are also graphs for
Repeat (the number of times a Pad is triggered within 1 se-
quencer step, spaced apart equally), Shift (shifts play position
of a Pad forwards or backwards between adjacent steps) and
Scrub (moves the sample-start point between the start and
end of the samples on the Pad).

Graphs are examined in detail later in chapter 6. However, it is
useful at this point to note that the Velocity and Shift Graphs
are very important ones to consider, as they have a crucial
part to play in the feel of your sequences. The Velocity Graph
is a graphical representation of the velocity of the notes in a
Pattern (i.e. the loudness of the notes), while the Shift Graph,
represents timing deviations, smaller than a step, from hard
step-divisions. Careful use of these Graphs can inject a hu-
manized ‘swing’ effect into your Patterns. Velocity-based ‘swing’
can give the illusion of timing deviations when there aren’t any.

Sequencer Master

The Sequencer Master section offers control over recording
Patterns into GURU in real time. It also contains controls for
the volume (including solo/mute buttons), tuning, tempo and
Groove of the current Engine, as well as showing the current
Engine, Pattern and Pad numbers. Chapter 7 features a com-
prehensive guide on using these functions.
