4 fx group automation, 5 scenes view, 4 fx group automation 63 – FXpansion GURU User Manual

Page 64: 5 scenes view 63

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8:4 FX Group automation

The eight FX Group automation parameters are provided in
order to allow you to control Engine effect (i.e. those in the
Engine Aux effects and in the Engine and Master insert slots)
parameters. The FX Group works in the same way as the
Pad Group automation, discussed in chapter 3. Due to the
high number of possible parameters (over 250 in total) for the
effects, it was not viable to expose them all as automatable
parameters within the host sequencer. Hence the FX Group
automation system.

When you click any Engine effect control while holding down
the [SHIFT] key, its colour changes to red. Continuing to
[SHIFT]-click on the control cycles its colour through orange,
yellow, green, light blue, blue, purple and grey, and then back
to normal. When you change the colour of a parameter, you
are assigning it to an automatable coloured FX Group. You can
assign any number of Engine effect knobs to one of the eight
Colour groups, which operate across all Engines.

You can assign the same FX Group to a parameter’s controls
in all Engines by holding down [ALT] while [SHIFT]-clicking on
a parameter. Each Engine effect in GURU has 8 parameters.

When you automate an FX Group in your host sequencer, all
controls assigned to it will be automated.

Please note that the changes are

absolute: parameters will

change to the incoming automation values, not relative to the
existing settings.

8:5 Scenes view

GURU’s Scenes view is a performance tool which lets you
recall ‘Engine Pattern states’ by triggering a MIDI note. Say, for
example, that you have Engines 1, 2 and 3 playing together,
and you like what you’re hearing. You can save a ‘snapshot’ of
the currently playing Patterns as a Scene, and then assign it to
a MIDI note. You can create up to 48 such Scenes, and recall
them with the MIDI notes to which you assign them.

To enter Scenes view, simply click on the Scenes button on
the GURU toolbar.
