Laerdal SimView User Manual

Page 15

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5.2.5 Recovering simulations

If for some reason the recording session is interrupted before you get to the debriefing, and hence the file is
not saved by the normal routine, you may be able to recover it by using the View recovered simulations on
the Settings pane on the server. You will have to be logged in as administrator to do this.

5.2.6 IP Camera

To add cameras to the simulation setup, start SimView and login as Administrator.
Note! SimView only supports selected models of AXIS IP cameras.

1. From the Home screen click the VIEW & SETUP button(1)
2. Click Add equipment (2)
3. Click the Devices (3) drop down list.
4. Select IP Camera by clicking on it in the list (4 and 5).
5. Wait while the list of IP cameras is updated (see Figure 20).
6. Click in the Found devices (6) to get the drop-down list and select the desired camera (7).
7. Fill in the Login (8) administrator name and Password (9)
8. Click the Add equipment (10).
9. You can now select the resolution on the video quality by clicking the Resolution (11) drop-down

list and selecting the resolution you want.

10. You can also change the number of picture per second (fps) by clicking the Fps (12) drop-down list
11. Press Save changes (13) if this was the last camera to add, otherwise add a new camera by clicking

the Add equipment button (2) again and continue until you have added all the needed cameras.

12. You can deactivate the camera by un-checking the Active (14) check box, and click Save changes.
13. If you want to remove the camera from the setup click on the Remove button (15).

Figure 17 Add equipment starting point

Figure 18 Drop-down list of possible type of equipment
