Chase – Leprecon LP-612 User Manual

Page 28

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The Chase functions are activated by pressing the 'Chase' menu key on the front panel. The
board will enter the Chase mode.

When in the Chase Menu mode, this button switches among the 3 parameters or items:

Pattern - The Chase pattern to be viewed
Step - The current step number
Rate - The current Chase rate

The Chaser level is controlled by the "Chase Level" fader. When the fader is down, the Chaser is
off. When the fader is brought up, the Chaser is started on the first step of the selected pattern.


The first item in the Chase menu is the Chase Pattern mode. This is indicated by the 'pattern' LED
being lighted. The 2 digit display indicates the pattern number. This number can be changed using
the UP and DOWN buttons. Patterns 1 through 4 are pre-programmed Chases that cannot be
altered. Patterns 5 through 11 are custom patterns that must be recorded before use.

When the pattern number is changed to below 1, the display shows "--", and the Chaser is off and

When the pattern number is set to 1 or higher, the Chaser is on. When the Chase fader is brought
up, the Chaser starts running and the Chase appears on stage at the level of the fader. Each
pattern has up to 24 steps associated with it.


Pressing the 'Chase' menu key a second time will light the 'step' LED and the display will show the
current step number of the selected Chase pattern. While the Chase is running, the number
moves at the rate recorded for the Chase. When the Chase is stopped, the number displayed is
the last step viewed before it was stopped.


The 'rate' mode displays the Chase rate in percent of full speed. The 'up' and 'down' buttons can
be pressed to increase or decrease the speed of the Chase. There are 100 accessible rates using
these buttons.

The Chase rate can also be set using the Chase 'tap' key. When a Chase is running, tapping the
tap button synchronizes the Chase rate with the tap.

Chase rate is saved with the Chase. When the Chase is recalled, the rate will automatically be

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