5 determination overview, 1 determination overview - general, 1 determination overview - overview – Metrohm tiBase 1.0 Manual User Manual

Page 208: 2 determination overview - table, Determination overview, Determination overview - general

background image

4.5 Determination overview




tiBase 1.0

– <th>

<vr val="" />

Column header.



– <tableBody>

Table content (dynamic).

– <td>

<vr val="" />

Field content.






Determination overview


Determination overview - General

Determination overview - Overview

Subwindow: Database

Determination overview

The subwindow Determination overview shows selected data for the
determinations contained in the open database in tabular form. It is always
shown in the program part Database, i.e. it cannot be removed from the
Database view. The subwindow can be enlarged and reduced as required;
it can also be maximized.

The subwindow Determination overview includes the following tools:

Determination table

Filter selection

Navigation bar

Determination overview - Table

Subwindow: Database

Determination overview

Data display
In the determination table the information about the determinations defined
under Column display is shown. If the contents of a field is larger than the
column width then the whole contents will be shown as a tooltip if the
mouse cursor is kept on the field.
