5 how to proceed, 1 backup, 1 backing up database – Metrohm tiBase 1.0 Manual User Manual

Page 293: Backup, Backing up database

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5 How to proceed?

tiBase 1.0



5 How to proceed?




Backing up database

How to proceed?

In tiBase , determination databases that in contrast to the configura-
tion database
can be generated by the user and contain the determination
data are referred to as databases. Included among such determination data
is the method data used for the determination, the measuring data gener-
ated during the determination and the results calculated from it.

In local server systems (tiBase full) the databases are stored on the drives
administered by the computer and are only available to those users regis-
tered on that computer who have the appropriate access rights. In client/
server systems (tiBase multi) the databases are stored on drives adminis-
tered centrally by the server and are available globally throughout the entire
Client/Server system, i.e. all users with the appropriate access rights can use
these databases.


Each determination database has to be backed up separately. Afterwards,
it is recommended that all backed-up files be copied to an external direc-
tory or to a CD/DVD.

Backing up database manually

1 Select program part Database.

2 Click on the symbol or menu item File Database manager….

The dialog window Database manager opens.

3 Select database.

4 Click on [Backup] in the dialog window Database manager.

The dialog window Backup database 'Database name' is opened.
