Digi-Star DataLink User Manual

Page 17

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Operators Manual



Ration Weight Delivery Tolerances

To set the Ration Weight Tolerances, from the main menu select [Systems], [Defaults], and
[Weight Tolerance].

To set the Ration Weight Tolerance, first
turn the Ingredient Load Validate [On].

To set the tolerance weight, enter the
tolerance weight in pounds. This is a
global setting that will apply to all
ingredients loaded.


Tolerance = 500 pounds

Call weight = 4000 pounds

Actual loaded weight = 3600 pounds

Result = No error message

Actual loaded weight = 3400 pounds

Result = error message

When you have completed your entries,
click [Save].

Operator Acknowledge

This setting determines whether the error message showing the loading error must be
acknowledged by an operator before the RF DataLink program continues. If you select
[Yes], an operator must acknowledge the error before the RF DataLink program will
continue. If you select [No], the error message will time out after 10 seconds and the RF
DataLink program will continue.

Either choice will write the error to an error log if you have turned on the Ingredient Load

When you have completed your entries, click [Save].

Split Load Minimum Balance

To set the Split Load Minimum Balance setting, from the main menu select [Systems],
[Defaults], and [Weight Tolerances].

The Split Load Minimum Balance determines whether the remaining amount of a split load
will be built
