Osoto Voting System User Manual

Page 13

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TopA interactive teaching system user

’s manual


Student remote working state

1. Digital input status: The starting default enters to the digital input state,

when the digital input state the LCD display up “123”, the downlink display is

the user input data. The downlink data-in most length is 6. Press the send button,

the LCD uplink display “123” and the transmission symbol, reusable sent.

2. Examination status: At the same time press the “transforms key” and “C

(Clear)” key 3 seconds to enter the examination status, press the keys again for 3

seconds, quit into the digital input status. LCD display test status symbol at

uplink and examination data at downlink. Below the far left is the right question

number, such as "23 -", the number of title 1 ~ 150. The importation of the

answer to a maximum of 6 months, when input 6 the answer, the title of its

branches showed that by the switch button, you can look up or down. Press the

send button four seconds, sending test data.

3. Channel modification status: At the same time press the “transforms key”

and “3 key” 3 seconds to enter the examination status, press the keys again, quit

into the digital input status. LCD do not show up at uplink, the next channel

number acts. At downlink the far left shows "CH", such as the "CH 1", said the

current channel number is the first channel. By forward or backward button so

that the current channel number keys increase or decrease.

4. ID display: At the same time press the “transforms key” and “1 key” 3

seconds to enter the examination status, press the keys again, quit into the digital

input status. ID status LCD shows signs up "

", unde

r the acts of the decimal

form of the machine ID code, ID code 000000 ~ 065536 range.

5. Hibernation status: Within 4 seconds without any movement, close LCD

light; 15 seconds did not move automatically into the dormant state, Press any

key to exit hibernation sleep state.
