5 reservation of domain configuration changes, 2 conditions and settings using xscf, 1 conditions using xscf – Fujitsu Siemens Computers SPARC Enterprise M8000 User Manual

Page 44: Reservation of domain configuration changes, Conditions and settings using xscf, Conditions using xscf

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SPARC Enterprise Mx000 Servers Dynamic Reconfiguration User’s Guide • September 2007

When kernel memory is copied, the Solaris OS is temporarily suspended.
Therefore, you must understand the effect of disconnecting the network
connection with remote systems and other influences of the DR operation on job
processes before determining system operations.


Reservation of Domain Configuration Changes

Besides letting you add, delete, or move system boards dynamically, DR also lets
you order such reconfiguration to take place the next time the affected domains are
turned on or turned off, or the domain is rebooted. Use the addboard(8),

(8), or moveboard(8) command with the -c reserve option to

specify these actions.

Some of the reasons you might want to reserve a domain change include:

A hardware resource cannot be dynamically reconfigured by DR for business or
operational reasons.

Domain configuration settings should not be immediately changed.

You want to avoid changing the current domain configuration settings and
change the configuration immediately after the domain is rebooted when
necessary to delete a system board having a driver or PCI card that does not
support DR.

You want to assign a floating board to a specific domain beforehand to prevent
the system board from being acquired by another domain.

For how to reserve domain changes, see

Section 3.1.10, “Reserving a Domain

Configuration Change” on page 3-24



Conditions and Settings Using XSCF

This section describes the operating conditions required for XSCF to start DR
operations and the settings that are established by XSCF.


Conditions Using XSCF

The DR operation to add a system board cannot be executed when the system board
has only been mounted. The DR operation is enabled by registering the system
board in the DCL by using the XSCF shell or XSCF Web. You must confirm that the
system board to be added is registered in the DCL before performing the DR

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