2 criterion tris-hcl and criterion stain free gels, 3 criterion xt tris-acetate gels, 3 native page buffers – Bio-Rad Criterion™ TBE-Urea Precast Gels User Manual

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See Appendix B for buffer formulations. Do not adjust pH unless instructed to do so.

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Gel Composition


2.6% C

Stacking gel

4% T, 2.6% C

Shelf life

~12 months at 2–8°C; expiration date is printed on each cassette

4.2.2 Criterion Tris-HCl and Criterion Stain Free Gels
These Tris-HCl Laemmli gels are run using native sample buffer and Tris/glycine running buffer.


Criterion Tris-HCl — Tris-HCl, Laemmli-like formulation that offer a shelf life of 12 weeks


Criterion Stain Free — Tris-HCl, Laemmli-like gels with unique trihalo compounds that allow

rapid fluorescent detection of proteins with the Criterion Stain Free system, eliminating
staining and destaining steps for faster results (see Chapter 5 for more details)

Gel Composition

Gel buffer

0.375 M Tris-HCl, pH 8.6


2.6% C

Stacking gel

4% T, 2.6% C

Storage buffer

0.375 M Tris-HCl, pH 8.6

Shelf life

~12 weeks at 2–8°C; expiration date is printed on each cassette

4.2.3 Criterion XT Tris-Acetate Gels
Criterion XT Tris-acetate gels can also be used to separate proteins by their charge-to-mass ratio
(under native PAGE conditions). Separation by native PAGE with XT Tris-acetate gels uses discontinuous
acetate and Tricine ion fronts to form moving boundaries to stack and separate proteins by both size
and charge.

Gel Composition

Gel buffer

Tris-acetate, pH 7.0


3.8% C

Stacking gel

4% T, 3.8% C

Storage buffer

Tris-acetate, pH 7.0

Shelf life

8 months at 2–8°C; expiration

date is printed on each cassette

4.3 Native PAGE Buffers

Running buffer (1x)

25 mM Tris, 192 mM glycine

Dilute 100 ml 10x stock (catalog #161-0734) with 900 ml diH



Sample buffer

62.5 mM Tris-HCl, pH 6.8, 25% glycerol, 0.01% bromophenol blue

(catalog #161-0738)

Instruction Manual and Application Guide
