1 criterion stain free system overview, Chapter 1. criterion stain free system overview, Criterion stain free system overview – Bio-Rad Gel Doc™ EZ System User Manual

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Criterion Stain Free





Criterion Stain Free
System Overview

This manual describes the Criterion Stain Free

™ System, which consists of the

Criterion Stain Free

™ Imager, Criterion Stain Free™ Gels, and Image Lab™


The Criterion Stain Free System is a reproducible and fast label-free

SDS-PAGE/Native PAGE system that eliminates time-consuming staining and
destaining steps. It has been developed for researchers who are running
electrophoresis gels as a detection method for protein characterization, purity
assessment, profiling, and quantitation of proteins separated by SDS-PAGE or
Native PAGE.

Exposure of the Stain Free gel proteins to ultraviolet light causes a Stain Free
gel component to react with the gel proteins, allowing the proteins to be

The Image Lab image acquisition and analysis software works with the
Criterion Stain Free Imager and Criterion Stain Free Gels to create an
automated and time-saving system to image and analyze electrophoresis
gels. The data can be viewed, modified, and reported using Image Lab.

Image Lab protocols can automate gel image acquisition, analysis, and report
generation at the push of a single button on the Imager.

Researchers can run a default protocol or easily design their own. Image Lab
software allows you to view your analyzed data, adjust the analysis, and
produce customized reports that show precisely what settings have been
applied, in order to assure repeatable results.

This manual is related to the following products: