Bio-Rad Immun-Star™ AP Chemiluminescence Kits User Manual

Page 13

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2.2 Reagent Flowchart

Several of the solutions you will make are end-use solutions
and are also used to make up other solutions. For example,
1x TBS is used as a wash solution, for the blocking solution,
and to make TTBS. In turn, TTBS is used both as a wash
solution (end use), and as part of the antibody buffer.

This reagent flowchart shows the overall picture of the use of
some of the reagents. Since there are many ways to go about
making solutions, this flowchart can help you make best use
of your time and reagents. The straightforward solutions were
left out of the flowchart.

Refer to Section 2.3, Working Solutions, for the exact
quantities and contents of all the solutions.

