Bio-Rad Immun-Star™ AP Chemiluminescence Kits User Manual

Page 21

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9. Blot development – remove the membrane and drain

excess liquid without letting the blot dry. Place on a piece of
Saran wrap on a level surface. Pipet the substrate
solution onto the membrane. Incubate 5 min. Remove the
membrane, draining the excess liquid from the blot. Seal in
a heat-sealable bag or in Saran wrap. Do not allow the
membrane to dry, because this will result in a loss of signal.

10. Film exposure/imaging – expose X-ray or instant film

to the blot at RT. Exposure time will depend on the type of
membrane used and the protein concentration. Table 1
lists recommended exposure times; however, optimal
conditions should be determined for each particular appli-
cation. Develop the film according to the manufacturer’s
instructions. Alternatively, a Bio-Rad imager such as the
Bio-Rad VersaDoc

or ChemiDoc

system can be used

to capture the signal.

Table 1. Typical exposure times for nitrocellulose

and PVDF membranes.

With Immun-Star






1–10 min

12–24 hr


Not recommended

1–10 min

