Bio-Rad Immun-Star™ AP Chemiluminescence Kits User Manual

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of the antigen in a polyacrylamide or agarose gel, passively by
directly spotting the antigen onto a membrane, or by vacuum
filtration using a microfiltration apparatus. Following antigen
binding, the remaining protein binding sites on the membrane
surface are blocked with nonfat dry milk, or other protein
blocking agents.

The membrane with bound antigen is then incubated with a
primary antibody specific for the antigen to be detected. The
blot is washed to remove unbound antibody and incubated
with the respective second antibody, which has been
conjugated to alkaline phosphatase (AP). The membrane is
then treated with the chemiluminescent substrate alone for
PVDF membranes, and with substrate and enhancer for
nitrocellulose. The concentrated enhancer is added to the 1x
substrate solution and does not add any extra incubation or
wash steps. The blot is then used to expose X-ray or instant
film, or imaged by an imager capable of detecting chemilumines-
cent signals, such as the Bio-Rad VersaDoc

or ChemiDoc


1.3 Immun-Star Products

Catalog # Description


Immun-Star Goat Anti-Mouse -AP Detection Kit


Immun-Star Goat Anti-Rabbit -AP Detection Kit


Immun-Star AP Substrate Pack


Immun-Star AP Substrate


Immun-Star Goat Anti-Mouse -AP Intro Kit


Immun-Star Goat Anti-Rabbit -AP Intro Kit

