Connecting and using the zero receptacle – ETS-Lindgren HI-1710A Microwave Oven Survey Meter User Manual

Page 26

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The analog bar graph display may be used to determine areas of highest

leakage. In the normal mode (not Peak Hold) the bar graph display will track the

displayed digital value and respond to the filtered RF signal. When the instrument

is operated in the Peak Hold mode, the bar graph display is not filtered and

responds very rapidly to changes in RF intensity. The Peak Hold mode may be

used while scanning to capture the area of highest leakage, while the bar graph

will continuously display instantaneous variations in leakage.

Changing the filter selection to FAST will decrease the response time of the

system. This will more effectively show the effect of rapid variations in RF levels

due to mode stirrers or other modulating devices. In both the SLOW and FAST

filter positions, the response time meets the CDRH requirement for RF

measuring instrument response times while the SLOW response characteristic

provides maximum smoothing of RF variations.

After the test is completed and the RF reading recorded, zero the HI-1710A

again before the next test. The zero point may gradually drift over long periods.

Re-zero before beginning a test.

Connecting and Using the Zero Receptacle

The zero receptacle should be located in an area that is relatively free

of significant RF fields. The fields near the zero receptacle should be

checked periodically to confirm that no significant stray fields are



Attach the cable to the ZERO BNC connector located on the back of

the HI-1710A.


Attach the other end of the cable to the connector on the side of the

zero receptacle.

The zero receptacle is most often used with Peak Hold mode. When scanning an

oven in Peak Hold, the highest reading is displayed on the HI-1710A. When the

probe is inserted into the zero receptacle, the RF reading is sent to the RS-232

serial port for automatic data collection and the probe is zeroed.

For manual data recording, the RF reading must be recorded before the probe is

inserted into the zero receptacle.
